Monday, April 11, 2011


tis is just te BEGINNING.... :)

OK, today is te very FIRST day of class n ter are more than 110 pages of materi to read.. dussh, tis is very SCARY n gona be very tiring... bt i enjoyed te kuLiah by Dr.Mangku... 
*bt yeah he was late tis morning o else he would hv done a beTTer Job i gueSS*..
MUSCULO --- weLL wat can i say more its aLL about the boNes, MuscLes n Joints.. wiLL be Lots of jargoNs to be memorized... :( 
*i tink my BRAIN sudah TEPU dy* haha...
whiLe we the seniors are starting MUSCULO bLock, our beLoved Junoirs are finishing the same bLock.. 
*n owh yeah they couldn't tk out the paper n frm tis i cn a bright future hoLding fr Me..*
ok, saye nak pergi wat seLf assesment Plak... :) 
wiLL return wif the new upDates pLak.... bYe!

Im Going To Memerah Otak Like tis Cute BOY... hehe...

Monday, April 4, 2011

EXAM TIME... ! !

*GOSH...* it's exam time again.. n tis time is 'BEHAVIOR CHANGES & DISORDERS'...
mmm, i wiLL never say that i HATE tis bLock coz BEHAVIOR man! it's damn INTERESTING !!
we learnt bout all tis stuff - behavior prob n te disorders n i myself bisa menilai am i having ny prob or not.. hehe, i tink im having some of te symptoms..! *joking!* owh yea coming to the point, my exam is on te 7th of APRIL jam 11pagi until lunch time, 1pm.. :) *do i need tis smiley now, vino??!*
n me yeah! saye tgh bace buku lah i mean materi.. tis one is a part of releasing tension.. *KONON* hehe... ok lah,I need to be on MY track again *study le*.. 
n here it goes, my HEARTIEST wishes to aLL the CEPHAZOLINERS ----> ALL THE BEST FOR BEHAVIOR, guyys! 
i tink tis is my *CUTE* situation now!

gOOd Luck guys!