Sunday, July 31, 2011

My NeW LovE =)

TheBlackForestGaL is writting again . . . . .


YIPEE!! FinaLy i own a DSLR! After so long . . CANON 1100d for the beginner . . And i reaLy enjoy snapping piCCa with it BUT stiL in the Learning process to get the best effects ! JUS LOVIN' IT !

SNAP, SNAP & SNAP. . . . . . =)

and yeah tomorow im gona bake another biscuit. hehe. 
Chiaww, Bye!

CopyRight by,
~ TheBlackForestGaL ~

Thursday, July 28, 2011



I made 'CORNFLAKES RANGGUP' today! yeay! i dont know how to call it whether biscuit or kuih or just cornflakes . . watever it is, i did it. te suprising part is i did it using my own measurement with the great chef's (MY MOM) guidance. Y didnt follow the instruction VnO? bcos te one given is usually used for a big scale 'production' sumting like for Deepavali or Hari Raya. hehe. so i jus anggar-anggar everythin n do. Thank God it turned up weLL! I'm very happy! again, its a very simple recipe; butter, cornflakes, sugar(can be white or brown), honey, kismis, and the cups.

jus out from oven . . 

the perfect ONE . .

even PREETY loves it . . :) haha

My mom was ter beside all the time encouraging me not to be scared. Jadi tak jadi itu lain cerita. hehe. THANK U AMMA. she said one ting to me, ' Vno don't worry, which mom doesn't like her daughter cooking/baking'. and sudenLy i got motivated and baked happiLy. :) yipee! Ok, my next target is CAKE PUDDING and any chocolate biscuit . . 

So yeah, thats all for now. Bye!

CopyRight by,
~ TheBlackForestGaL ~

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 The BlackForestGaL is writting again. . .


First of aLL thanks to USHA (for her previous bLog bout Meringues). I reLy Love it GaL! After reading her bLog, i was excited to bake meringues myseLf. And today (just now) i did it! I'm super excited! Mom doesn't know bout tis and wiL suprise her Later when she's back. hehe. i dont exactLy know whether it is a success or failure... Not to say tis is my first attempt, it's just an attempt of baking after a super Long time (no time i guess). I Love cooking but at the same time I always 'takut tak jadi'. wat to do kan =( hehe. ok la, yesterday i google'd te recipe n it's very easy; i just need 2eggs, vanilla essence and sugar (owh yeah not to forget beating machine & oven. hahaha) thats aLL! :)

 te outcome *ignore the shape* hehe...

and tomorow i'm gona do 'CORNFLAKES MADU' . . 
Im 100% in the mood of baking!  :)

TiLL Then,
*KaatrukuLLai Song is ON AIR*
*Love u ARYA*

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011



=(      =(      =(      =(      =(    

i jus dono wat to say for the ting hapend yesterday @ jus now (its 2a.m now). y me? OMG! Tho it is written to hapen to me im stil ok wit it but WHY at tat moment? i admit it can be my mistake but ' _ _ _'  mistake  too (because of two SOLID reason, i know it's realy reasonable one)! i jus hate myself now. . im clueless! i feel like wana commit suicide (pon ada, but im stiL waras u know). . At that moment i felt like im a reaLy BAD GIRL?! okay, i jus hate myself! i dont know how am i gonna enjoy te HOLIDAYS now. .
wiL tel everyting to my bro n ask for his OpiNioN. .  huhuhu. . 
i cried, cried and cried . .
Te incident is stiL like 'terbayang-bayang' in my mind, tried to control it but couldn't. Haihhzz . . WHY me? but memang yesterday i could sense something bad gona hapen to me and i thought that would my OSCE (exam) but the thing sebaliknya hapend! GOSH! aLL my happiness gone for a moment, more than a moment!! SCARED for the KARMA i gona get! i dont want to DIE! WHY GOD is testing me in such a way ? ? ! huhuhuhu . . =(


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The BlackForestGaL is writting again with *excited MODE* . . .

I'm done with OSCE! but yeaH it was Like a HELL OF TIME. Here, the trio goes . .

Ok, i was Like memang had the *instinct* (budget bes La ni) haha. ok coming back to the point, i memang had tis feeLing sinCe yesterday that i wiLL maju in a few first putaran. And YESH! i memang got PUTARAN 4 . . 
*So, no need to react Like u terkejot sangat kay VINO! haha . .*
But kan at the same time, i reLy wanted to go earLy coz wanna finish up earLy come back & PACK MY THINGS ! 
A while after Poo toLd me (via sms) i started to gelabah Laq! *adus gila*. So, with that geLabah feeLing aLso i managed to memorize few things. THANK GOD :) Around 11a.m. i knew ready Dr.Wahyu wanna caLL my name aLready so i got my seLf prepared but unfortunately he caLLed my name bit earLier cos he wanna me to gantikan another student who didnt come today for the exam. At that 'moment' i was...yeah u know i feLt Lik wana go toiLet La, i wanna read More La, this La, that La . . ok, this is because i didn't expect the time will come that fast. So, with 'keredhaan nya' i went La. The exaM was OKAY! I think i did weLL except for the 'PEMERIKSAAN FISIK PAEDS'. Okay, i was totaLy bLur that time & once i saw the doc's lagi La i got scared (she Looked very garang n i've neve seen her b4 also). During that Lab i missed out one of the STEps, so yeah! i dont what's gonna hapen NEXT . . I did my part aLready, so now it depends on LUCK (maybe70%). . :) and another ONE MORE thing I tak puas hati is how come at the same time for another parallel the doc can give 'anamnesis diare' for paeds. OMG, that is so easy MAN! 
But what to do then, as i said before all depends on our LUCK *maybe LADYLUCK wasn't beside me at that moment* who knows? hahaha . .

Pic'Ca TiMe whiLe waiting . . :)
my batchmaTes..

busy memorizing i guess.. hehe :) 

te BrO . . haha!


RIGHT NOW, im packing up my stuffs to kick myself out of BALI. So, im geTTin busy now! *poyo*


CopyRight by,
~ TheBlackForestGaL ~

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Now it is 


and i just had my DINNER . . 
but then im stiLL craving for


this !
i know this is TOO MUCH but yeah what to do . . 

One more thing, when i was surfing net today one of my friend posted one PIC & pls have a LooK . . 

the HOTTIE . . *but i dont know who is he* haha . . 

tiLL then,


HOLA . .

hehehe . . Its goin to be HOLIDAY TIME again (te reaL sem break) . .

Ok, first of aLL i'L be having OSCE on 21st JuLy. . te bLock/exam that i hate the MOST !

And on the same day i'm FLYING BACK!

So, as usuaL wen it comes to study time i'L be Like studying for 5 Mins and dreaming bout MaLaysia for the next 50 Mins !!

GOSHH . . i don't think its only ME doing that but aLmost aLL of US . .

Jus can't to be home after 5months (tho i went back in April, it ws just an emergency leave!) . .

I'm SUPER EXCITED! hahahaha . . . =)

Altough I have to study at the same time but thank GOD there are onLy 5LABS this time for OSCE. .

PACKING TIME tonight, yeay !!

Excited, Excited, Excited !!

ok bye . .=)

Monday, July 18, 2011

I want a DSLR !

Im writting again . . .

ok, i seriousLy, badLy, desperateLy, madLy etc want a DSLR CAM . . 
becauSe im deepLy in LOVE with the photo's outcome ! 
aktuaLy its not a big deaL pon, dady said OK to buy me one BUT the probLem now is I memang no experience using any DSLR so i donT know which one is the BEST (Nikon? Canon? etc?)
haihss, enTah La . . very the sad kan . .
and interesting part is i managed to find one Bro's bLog n asked him bout tis n he suggested CANON 1100D for beginners. . . Im considering it aLso n seriousLy te cam looks reLy cooL and memang cukup according to my BUDGET . . =)
Once Im in MaLaysia aLready need to do mOre surveys on 'THIS' . .=)
hahaha . . 
and i think im goNa touch the PC book for the FIRST TIME in my life for the survey! haha . .


ok bye out !

CopyRight by,
~ TheBlackForestGaL ~

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

LoSt . . . ? ?

The BlackForestGaL is writin again . . .

i feeL LOST today . . i dont know Y but yeah that awkward feeLing is just controLLing myseLf today . . WeLL, maybe bCoz i miSS HOME too much @ HOMESICK . . i jUst caNt waiT to fiNish uP the Last eXam (OSCE) & fLy back home . . PheWWW, 9 mOre daYs to go MAN . . !! n finaLLy today onLy te DoC confirmEd the date fOr the exam (21st JULY), so iM fLying baCk tat NighT iTseLf . . yeAy!! te FIRST tinG i'M goNa do wen I reaCh LCCT is ---> STARBUCKS & ROTI CANAI . . gosH, i reaLy miSS MaLaysiaN food (more to MOM's cook) !

my FAV . . !

gosshhh, so tempting !

oK La, nEEd to stop cOmpOsing here cOz waNa  go & do soMe practices fOr today's surgery cLass (was AWESOME) . . buBBye! TC!


CopyRight by,
~ TheBlackForestGaL ~

Saturday, July 9, 2011

ThE JuLy TriO . . .


Its time for hoLidays again ! As I didn't go back home for this JuLy HoLiday (Galungan/Kuningan), so i went on AN AWESOME hoLiday sprEE in BALI . . Managed to explore Bali LiL bit more (i mean the Left oVer pLaces that we've never been b4) . . so, ere it goes --> the chronology of my AWESOME'FUL HOLIDAY. .

My Very FIRST journey is te basiC One, JALAN JALAN keliling BaLi. We went to te UsuaL pLaces such as ULuwaTu, TaNah Lot, GWK, DreamLand, JimbaRan SeaFooD n BLUE POINT BEACH (oNe of the beautifuL beaches in BaLi).  We can aLso consider it as PADANG-PADANG BEACH'S eLder sister (hahaha, tis is bcoZ its jus on the same 'JaLur'). We bathed ter n received SUNBURN with an open heart. hahaha. One of my Friend's friend was down from MEDAN, so tats y we took tat one day TOUR . . =)

ULUWATU . . my FAV place EVER!

TANAH LOT during the SUnSET! (very famous for sunset tho) -ter is a temple te inside te cave wic will be very crowded during FULL MOON-

GWK - Garuda Wishnu Kencana-

GWK . . very famous for the statues . .

JIMBARAN SEAFOOD at night... -just beside the beach-

SEAFOOD . . obviousLy te fOOd was terrifically AWESOME !

BLUE POINT Beach . .

On the 5th of JULY, we went to BLAHMANTUNG WATERFALL . . Unforgettable Day, Moments in my LIFE! ReaLy i meAn iT! Went ter with BIKE & te Journey itseLf took around 2hours+. Just imagine we were on Bike fr tat Long but we do had our Stop Pits. hahaha =D. Once we were ter, we had to walk some more arn 1.7KM to reach te waterfall coz its located kinda deep inside (very shy waterfaLL . . hahaha . .) n couldn't bring bike over there due to te BAD ROAD cond. Yet it was reaLy tiring but te WaterFaLL was/is REaLLY PRETTY and it just made OUR DAY!! N te water was EXTREMELY COLD (kinda like soaked with ICE) . .

the BIKES . .

me & hema OTW . .=)

te waLking journey @ jungle trackin!

the PAK who guided us te way~ thank u ~

te FALL . .=)

spEEchLeSS !

NEXT, on 07/07 we were on NUSA DUA BEACH! Another fabulous pLace!! i just cant believe that Y I've never been to Nusa Dua since it has been aLmost 3years I'm here . . A very near pLace to my Uni itseLf . . OMG! Oh Yeah, ter's a pLace caLLed WATER BLOW, wic at one side of the beach where ter wiL be Like 2 big rock in te middLe of the sea & the water wiLL spLash in between that due to the high pressure (physics!) . . haha . . Just stand near It & u'LL be ALL WET! We were there for a few hours and continued the JourNey to HOTEL AYANA (one of the MOST EXPENSIVE hotels in BaLi) to watch SunSet . . te hoteL was incredibLy exclusive! Of course it wiL/must be nice coz one Night stay onLy can come up to 1juta rupiah++ (rm400+)! hahaha . . N whiLe waitng for te 'so caLLed 'cabLe car' (to the HARDROCK CAFE to watch sunset)we chit chat'ted  wit the worker ter and fouNd out that DEEPIKA PADUKONE& SIDDARTH MALLYA were there a month BACK . . i was Like wth, terribLy shocked & SERIOUSLY MAN-what a miSS !! grrrr . . Why La tey didn't inform the medias tat tey wiL be ere? SureLy, I've visited tem then . . hahaha. LOLz! 

NUSA DUA beach . .

te enTrance . .

te 'SPLASH' from far ~

a nearer version ~


enTrance . . LUXURIOUS!

pooL . .

'CabLe Car' . .=)

HARDROCK cafe . .=) *we were here*

sunset . .

LAST but not Least (09/07) . . we were back to our NatuRaL Habitants 'hOmE'--> MANGROVE a.k.a Hutan Paya Bakau =) I've never seen any paya bakau back in Malaysia, so I got REALY EXCITED! haha . . for the first time in my Life i was waLking in the middle of the paya bakau & enjoyed it! It was somekind of morning waLk & good exercise for us. Saw Lotsa of course the PAYA BAKAU TREEs, BABY CRABs, MOMMY n DADDY CRABS (i mean the BIG one), FLAMINGOs, WATER SNAKES, BIAWAK, etc . . =) nice experience tho! then we headed ourselves to MATAHARI (shoPPing cOmpLex) to do some 'mini' shoPPings(gotta JUMBO SALE) . . and the CONCLUSION is it was a very NICE DAY!


Te rOOts sEEking for O2..

te BIG BIG akar . .

for a cLeaRer View i gueSS . .

Mmmmm, i ReaLy enJoyed my hoLidaY LotsA! tOur De BaLi! NOW, no more regreT! Live Life to Te MAX!
sLeepy dy! ciaw ~

*p/s: sory for the pic's quality(kinda BAD) . . =(

CopyRight by,
~ TheBlackForestGaL ~