Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 The BlackForestGaL is writting again. . .


First of aLL thanks to USHA (for her previous bLog bout Meringues). I reLy Love it GaL! After reading her bLog, i was excited to bake meringues myseLf. And today (just now) i did it! I'm super excited! Mom doesn't know bout tis and wiL suprise her Later when she's back. hehe. i dont exactLy know whether it is a success or failure... Not to say tis is my first attempt, it's just an attempt of baking after a super Long time (no time i guess). I Love cooking but at the same time I always 'takut tak jadi'. wat to do kan =( hehe. ok la, yesterday i google'd te recipe n it's very easy; i just need 2eggs, vanilla essence and sugar (owh yeah not to forget beating machine & oven. hahaha) thats aLL! :)

 te outcome *ignore the shape* hehe...

and tomorow i'm gona do 'CORNFLAKES MADU' . . 
Im 100% in the mood of baking!  :)

TiLL Then,
*KaatrukuLLai Song is ON AIR*
*Love u ARYA*

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